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Okta IdP Factor MFA


Acceptto integrates with Okta to enable increased security with Acceptto's intelligent Multi-factor Authentication. This integration uses Okta's Custom IdP Factor Authentication feature to enable Acceptto's intelligent MFA.

This allows administrators to configure their Okta SSO applications to require Acceptto's Smart MFA before authenticating users.

Acceptto's intelligent MFA uses many different signals to provide a low-friction increase in security.


  • An Acceptto account with a configured Identity Provider and LDAP Agent. (See this page for the instructions)
  • A user with administrative privileges for the Okta panel.
  • A user with administrative privileges for the Acceptto services.
  • Okta's IdP Factor must be enabled as a multifactor type.
  • The Acceptto Base URL for your account.

Add a new IdP#

In the Okta admin panel, add a new SAML Identity Provider. The Base URL is the SSO landing page for your account, in the format

  1. Select Security > Identity Providers

    Okta idp

  2. Click on Add Identity Provider button and select Add SAML 2.0.

    idp dropdown

  3. Fill in the Add Identity Provider form with the following:

    • Name: Acceptto IdP Factor (or your preferred name)
    • IdP Usage: Factor only
    • IdP Issuer URI: [Base URL]/saml
    • IdP Single Sign-On URL: [Base URL]/saml/idp_factor
    • IdP Signature Certificate: Download certificate at [Base URL]/saml/download/cert

    add idp

  4. Click Add Identity Provider to save.

Configure IdP Factor MFA#

In the Okta admin panel, add the IdP as a custom MFA factor.

  1. Select Security > Multifactor > IdP Factor

  2. Click Edit

  3. Select the Identity Provider that was created in the previous section (e.g. Acceptto IdP Factor)

    idp factor settings

Set Sign On Policy for Application#

In the Okta admin panel, add a sign on policy to your application to force MFA for application logins.

  1. Select the Applications menu then click the application you would like to enable Acceptto MFA for.

  2. In the application settings click Sign On.

  3. In the Sign On Policy section select click Add Rule.

  4. Under Actions click the checkbox for Prompt for factor and select Every Sign on.

    Sign on policy

  5. Click Save.​

Add Application to Acceptto#

Add Okta IdP Factor as a service provider in the Acceptto admin panel. Some required information can be found in Okta under Security > Identity Providers by clicking on the arrow next to the Acceptto Identity Provider that was created earlier.

Okta Identity Providers

  1. Login to the Acceptto Dashboard with an administrative account and go to Applications.

  2. In the New Application form, enter the following values under the General tab.

    • Name - The application name displayed in the admin panel and application portal and used for push notifications and audit logs. (e.g. Okta Idp Factor)
    • Type - Select "SAML Service Provider" from the options
    • Out of Band Methods - Select the allowed methods for approving MFA requests
    • Message for MFA Requests - Enter the user-facing message for Push, SMS, and e-mail MFA requests (optional)

    eGuardian add new application

  3. Under the SAML Service Provider Configuration tab, enter the following values

    • Select the checkbox for Upstream IdP
    • Issuer or Entity ID – The Audience URI from Okta
    • Sign in URL - The Audience URI from Okta
    • Metadata URL - Copy the URL from Download Metadata on Okta
    • Username Field for Upstream IdP - Select the Active Directory field that is configured as your organization's Okta username
    • Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL - Copy the Assertion Consumer Service URL from Okta
    • Certificate - Enter the X.509 public certificate from Okta.
  4. Configure additional settings as desired, then click Save

service provider settings

User Experience#

  1. After the admin has enabled IdP factor MFA, the user will be prompted to add this custom factor on their next login via Okta.
  2. The user then selects the IdP Factor option and is taken to a QR pairing screen.
  3. They can then download the Acceptto It'sMe mobile application from Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
  4. The user opens the mobile application and is prompted to scan the displayed QR code.
  5. After scanning the QR the user's device is paired.
  6. On subsequent authentication attempts, the user will be asked to confirm the Idp factor MFA and be taken to the select MFA option by Okta.
  7. Upon approval of MFA, the user will be authenticated to their application.


If you require assistance, please email us at


Want to learn more about our MFA solutions? Contact our Professional Services for a demo today.


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